This application is intended to be used in the classroom.Print out markers here : application is intended to be used in the classroom. The teacher prints out augmented reality markers for students (in order to also use the app at home). We can use devices from the high school or ask students to bring their own device. This is application as an introduction to nuclear reaction, fission and fusion lesson. The teacher gives the set of markers and ask the following problem : 1. Describe the nuclear power plants on each card (describe the purpose of each building).2. Try to find out what are the conditions to build a nuclear power plant.3. Rank power plants in ascending order of production and convert energy in Joule.Warning : Two power plants are not nuclear plants, will you find them? Explain why.Is there something special why Lemoniz power plant ?Students are divided in groups (4 students for each groups) which really helps communication between them. Each group have at least one device with the application.